Moving Pictures
For your enjoyment, some moving impressions from the adventures of Señor Hans:
The movies are of various sizes and quality. Please ask your (geographically) nearest computer expert if you are having problems viewing them.
Thanks to Rachelita, Thorben, Leonard and Monique.
The movies are of various sizes and quality. Please ask your (geographically) nearest computer expert if you are having problems viewing them.
Thanks to Rachelita, Thorben, Leonard and Monique.
It was fun to see you in motion again. The guide IS excellent if he can film while riding backwards on a bicycle downhill without using his hands.....
But why did you make that comment about the donkey? No I can't sleep at night!
Did you see I waved back?
Yes, I saw you waving back :-)
In the Sacred Valley movie, a few minutes before Thorben filmed me, he saw a donkey, just standing there.
So he walked to the back of the donkey and pretended to "do" it, and have his picture taken. The thing was, he was too chicken to come closer than two meters, so the whole scene looked rather silly. We tried to encourage him to go closer ("no, he won´t kick you in the balls ..."), but it didn`t work ...
It was a retorical I definitely can't sleep tonight!
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