20 marzo 2006

The End of the Chile, The End of the World, and the Beginning of the End

Remember this one, over two months ago ?

Well, I have finally made it !! Ushaia, Argentina. The most southerly city in the world.

And they even added 50 kms of extra road in the meantime, it seems. Mind you, it took me almost twice that distance anyway to get here - did a few side trips on the way :-D

My sight is North again. The road home starts here. Next goal: Buenos Aires ...

But to get here I had to say goodbye to charming Chile. No more excellent fish dinners, homely hostels, weighing of the bread, colourful wooden houses, and courteous car drivers who stop for you when you want to cross the road.
I will not forget the fun I had with Aneta and the bunch from the Luna Sonrisa, Maria on the bus to Pucon, where I hooked up with Agents Maartje and Sander again (and the puppies). Zoe and Tim (nice-but-dim), Trey and Brad, Martijn the Hitchhiker and my own saviors Ignacio and Jimena on the Carreterra Austral, and Dominic and Mario in Puerto Natales.

For 39 days I have tried (mostly in vain) to put some smiles on the faces of the Chileans. 4500kms richer on good and (very) bad roads, and many more Chilean pesos poorer, I say a hearty farewell - or ´ciao!´ - to the forests, mountains and lakes with the customary ´impressions´...


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Get a move on, then.

I have a lovely cup of lapsang souchong tea in the making for you and endless wooden marbletrack-fun with Eveline.....

martes, 21 marzo, 2006  
Blogger Hans said...

Hmmm ... teaparty at Daan ...

No Lapsang Souchong here; not even Chinese restaurants !

They do have their own kind of tea here though in Argentina, which they call "mate". Technically it is not tea and they drink it through a metal straw. I will post about it later.

miércoles, 22 marzo, 2006  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

mate is some kind of green tea isn't it. We have it here to, with banana.

Will you never regret not going to Antartica? So close....

jueves, 23 marzo, 2006  

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