05 mayo 2006

Tropical Lowlands - Impressions


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Don't like bugs, tapir looks cute though....

sábado, 06 mayo, 2006  
Blogger Hans said...

It *is* an anteater Daantje, a "giant anteater" to be precise (that´s really what they are called), although in Spanish they call it Oso Bandera, which means "flag bear".

This is a young one, about the size of a german shepherd. It was quite playful. It came up to me and vacuumed me, searching for ants.

According to the ranger, the a full-grown one almost comes up to my belly-button ... and the claws these animals have are frightening.

And trust me, Tweelingzusje, the bears may be bigger in your parts, but the bugs are not !

domingo, 07 mayo, 2006  

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